All the systems on the shelf. Makes for a display of high nerdery. A friend said I should take a picture of the entire collection. This is it.

1. Atari Lynx
2. PSP Lite
3. Lexibook
4. N-Gage
5. PSP
6. Game.com
7. AGP2
8. GP2X
9. Nintendo Gameboy
10. Gameboy Pocket
11. Nintendo DS
12. Pixter
13. Game.com Pocket
14. Sega Game Gear
15. Go Live View Mystikats
16. X Changer
17. Sega Nomad
18. Play Station Portable MP4 Digital Player
19. Gizmondo
20. Game Wizard Star Wars
21. Gameboy Micro
22. Pokemon Mini
23. Wonder Swan Crystal
24. Tapwave Zodiac 2
25. Gameboy Color
26. Watara Super Vision
27. NeoGeo Pocket Color
28. Game Theory Admiral
29. GBA
30. GBA SP
31. Handy Famieight
32. Classic Basketball
33. Turbo Express
34. One Station
35. Nintendo DS Lite
Truly, you have constructed a post-modern idol to video gamery. Should the bombs fall, future waste-dwelling generations shall prostrate themselves and worship.
ReplyDeleteThat is so true. I'm going to quote you on that some day.