FC Mobile USA!           Top 10 video game plumbers of all time.           Five simple things for which all handheld games should strive.           Dragon Handy Famieight: Take you back to FC / NES Wonderful TV Games Dream World.           PSP top 10 and other games you could be playing instead.           NeoGeo Pocket Color: Portable of the Millennium.


Got a neat little nintenclone a while back and it is one of the best looking ones I've ever owned. It is called the BittBoy and it is ridiculously inexpensive at $40. The software is somewhat half baked but for the price, it is a really amazing piece of hardware. It runs NES GB and GBC games off a micro SD. The picture is of the original Gameboy, an original Tetris game cartridge and a BittBoy running Tetris.

1 comment:

  1. Il y a quelque temps, j'avais un petit clone de Nintendo vraiment chouette et c'était le plus beau que j'aie jamais possédé.
